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HomeGeneral5 Essentials to Get Into the Fat Bike Spirit

5 Essentials to Get Into the Fat Bike Spirit

Fat bike season is here. Are you ready? Are you amped? If you’re not there yet, don’t worry – we’ve all been there. Sometimes motivation is high and the drive to ride is as effortless and flowing as the Michigan snow (ok, bad analogy). But other times, it just ain’t there. Take today for example, it’s cold and motivation is likely not the same. It feels like just yesterday the warmth of summer was here and we were riding and enjoying those long summer days. Then within the snap of a Thanos finger, fall dropped like a hammer and summer was over. Cooler temps, Peak 2 Peak, Iceman, Thanksgiving and now winter – already?

So here we are, looking at cold temps and perhaps an indoor trainer that might seem more appealing than venturing outside, but we’re here to tell you that ain’t the case. Michigan fat biking is the secret to an invigorating, exciting and depression-free winter. We won’t use catchy phrases like the “spirit of fat biking” for fear of getting too popular but when motivation may wane and winter feels endless and sad, fat bikes are absolutely the remedy. Here’s our top 5 essentials to get outside and ensure the most enjoyable winter season of riding.

#1: Cold weather gear. The most important component to winter riding. For the people who say, “You’re crazy for riding in those temps” or the new rider who is intimidated of riding in the cold, having the right gear makes all the difference. Layering is paramount for breaking down 0-40 degree rides. Hands, feet and face/ears are the biggest areas to cover and ensure warmth. Find the right gloves (or bar mitts), the right boots (45Nrth’s Wolvhammer boots are an excellent and popular choice), then get your helmet/headwear and thermal tights cued up and ready to go. Good base layers go a long way and make for a great Christmas ask (Main Street Bicycles has two locations and can order just about anything they don’t have in stock already).

#2: Tires and studs. There are a variety of tire widths and tread patterns to choose from, but don’t forget about the studs. They can be a game changer when conditions turn slick. Your local bike shop can get/swap tires in a pinch and Bikestud.com is a great place to get studs if you need them (studding your own stud-ready tires is more cost effective than buying tires already studded and doesn’t take long). Bikestud.com carries winter fat bike tires as well and can ship if you’re looking to replace that 5-year old, dry-rotted set that now feels like 15tpi to the touch.

#3: Navigation and lights. Whether Garmin or Wahoo, know your GPS and how it works. Learn how Strava works (see our FAQs for some tips) to ensure your segment runs are counted when putting a flyer in on a segment. Remember, navigation is part of the challenge in FBC.

And with winter’s shorter days, lights are a big bonus. You can ride longer and really enjoy some of the most serene riding you’ll find all season. Clear trails in the peaceful darkness alongside the warm glow of a bar and/or helmet-mounted light reflecting off the snow is a great way to roll for both the body and the mind. There are a variety of good brands out there and it’s best to do a little research to find what style and setup works best for you.

#4 Coffee and cake. We all know if you complete each of the FBC segments, you win a free Cold Stone cake. It’s always been a great incentive, but our friends at White Pine Coffee make a for a solid out-and-back destination ride when you and some fellow riders need that shot in the arm to double the ride distance. Think hot espressos and fresh pastries like a Christmas miracle on a below-freezing ride.

#5: Friends. This is the best part since sometimes getting out the door is the hardest part. Group rides and being out together with friends is added fun no matter the season, but especially key in the winter as we’re all riding towards a common goal – the cake. Feel free to use our Facebook group to share riding plans and meet some new faces.

So while you may still need the trainer to get those base hours in, nothing gets those endorphins going and cures the winter blues like riding outside. Some intellectuals will add that riding in the cold triggers improved health benefits similar to cold shower therapy. Either way, with the right essentials handled, chasing segments outdoors in the winter is great for a number of reasons. And just think, by the time we’re done and you’ve earned the cake, spring will nearly be here.


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